After two decades of styling and catering the most beautiful Atlanta weddings, Bold Catering & Design knows we wouldn’t be the best wedding caterer in Atlanta without the support of our wedding planning partners. And that’s why we are happy to make your next event with us a more rewarding experience.
Sign up for Bold Wedding Planner Rewards, and earn up to a $1,000 Fifth Group Restaurant dining card for each event you do with Bold Catering & Design.
How do Wedding Planners sign up for Bold Wedding Planner Rewards?
Already working with Bold Catering & Design? Reach out to your Bold sales representative to get signed up.
New to working with Bold Catering & Design? Tell us more about your event below. And we’ll reach out with more details. Make sure to mention Bold Wedding Planner Rewards during your follow up conversation.
Ready to make your next event even more rewarding? Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you within one business day.